Billing Procedures & Rates

How your Bill is Calculated

Every KCWD90 customer is charged a base rate, based on the size of their meter. Over 90% of District customers have a 5/8” meter with a base rate of $74.50 (as of January 1, 2025). Please view the Schedule of Charges for additional meter rates.

Included in the base rate are the first five (5) units of water. Water is sold in ccf's, which is equal to 100 cubic feet, which is also equal to 748 gallons.

Additional consumption is charged based on a Tier System. After the first five “free” units of water, the next ten (10) ccf's from 6-15 are charged at $4.35/ccf. The next ten (10) ccf's from 16-25 are charged at $5.00/ccf. The next ccf's from 26-35 are charged at $5.65/ccf. Remaining ccf's over 36+ are charged at $6.30/ccf.

You can use our Bill Estimator to get an idea of your bill.

CCF's (hundred cubic feet) 5/8” Meter Base Rate
$70.00/mo, plus
First 5 included
6-15 $4.35/ccf
16-25 $5.00/ccf
26-35 $5.65/ccf
36 or more $6.30/ccf

There is also a Summer Surcharge of $1.35 per ccf for all ccf's, which is in addition to the above charges. The Summer Surcharge was added in 2013 to match the Summer Surcharge from Seattle Public Utilities. The summer surcharge applies to all bills in June, July, August, and September of each year.

Rates with Summer Surcharge
CCF's (hundred cubic feet) 5/8” Meter Base Rate
$70.00/mo, plus
First 5 included
6-15 $5.70/ccf
16-25 $6.35/ccf
26-35 $7.00/ccf
36 or more $7.65/ccf

How to pay your Water Bill

You may mail your payment to the District's Administrative Office at 15606 SE 128th Street, Renton, WA 98059. In-person payments are also accepted at this location between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. For your convenience, the District has two after-hours payment drop boxes. One is located at the South East corner of the property and the other is located by the handicap parking spot, near our building entrace. Please do not leave cash payments in the drop-box. We accept the following forms of payment: cash, check, and money orders. Credit/debit and e-check payments can be made online or over the phone, but NOT at the District office. PAYMENTS ARE NEVER accepted in the field.

AutoPay by Draft is a FREE SERVICE available through the District.
With AutoPay, you can save on postage, pay your bill even when you're out of town, and never have to worry about your payment getting lost in the mail. You will still receive a bi-monthly bill regularly. Then, on the due date, the total balance due will be automatically deducted from your designated account. To sign-up, complete and return the MONTHLY DRAFT PAYMENT APPLICATION AUTHORIZATION AGREEMENT FORM with a voided check. That's it! Your next bill will be paid via automatic withdrawal.

Pay By Phone - Call 1-855-984-1191
Customers who wish to pay their bill over the phone will enter our automated voice response system by entering their account number. Customers can hear their current account balance, make a payment using a credit card or eCheck, and get answers to frequently asked questions. There is a $3.95 convenience fee for this service.

Pay Online
Visit KCWD90.COM
and select the "PAY MY BILL" tab. Customers who wish to pay their bill online will be asked to register their account online OR use the "One Time Pay" with no registration required (payment information is not retained). Customers will need their 7-digit account number and their last name to register. The customer's identity is confirmed through verification of your 7-digit account number and last name. Payments then can be entered directly on your account.
There is a $3.45 convenience fee for this service.

The maximum amount per transaction is $500.00. If your bill is over $500, your payment will be denied and two transactions (or more) will need to take place.

Please Note: Doxo is not an authorized 3rd-party payer.

Bills are due on the 15th of the month following your bill month. Bills are considered delinquent if not received by the last day of the month following your bill Month. (For example, a July 31st bill is due August 15th, and considered delinquent after August 31st). Delinquent accounts are subject to late penalties, service charges, disconnections and/or property liens.

Billing Schedule Effective January, 2016-present

  • Current Bill: Due 15 days after the billing date
  • Late Notice: First day of the following month (29-32 days after current bill)
  • Telephone Call Shut-off Notice: 46-50 days after current bill.
  • Shut-Off: 55-60 days after current bill.
  • Note: Due to the workday calendar, the number of days is approximate.

Meters are scheduled for shut-off by 8:00 am on the due date. Customers scheduled for shut-off will incur a $25.00 shut-off fee, even if the customer's meter has not physically been turned off before payment is received in the office.

Turn-offs and Property Liens
Accounts that reach "Shut Off" status will be charged an additional fee of $25.00 for the District to shut off your water. Customers needing District assistance to turn their water back on after payment has been made will be charged a minimum fee of $25.00 during business hours, Monday through Friday. Customers requesting after hours (3:30 p.m.) assistance will be charged $125.00 minimum, and additional hours at $95.00 an hour plus additional cost to KCWD90.

Once an account is delinquent, the District has the option to place a lien against the property for charges owed. Initially, the District will send the property owner an "Intent to Lien" letter along with a $25 fee on your account. If the account is not brought current in 30-days, the District will file a lien against the property. Additionally, Lien Filing Fees will be levied on the account. Current lien fees are $203.50 (for the first page and $1 for each additional page) to record and the same amount to remove the lien (as of July 26, 2021). A lien processing fee will also be assessed to each liened account in the amount of $250. Water service will not be restored or the property lien will not be released until the past due portion of the account and the added fees have been paid in full.

Inherited Balances from Previous Owners
Unlike other utilities, Water and Sewer charges are associated with the property rather than with the occupant who incurs the charges. Although a Final Bill is generated for the previous owner, if left unpaid, this responsibility is inherited by the new property owner (RCW 57.08.080).

Leak Adjustments
Leaks that occur on the customer side of the meter are the property owner's responsibility to repair. However, you may be eligible for a partial adjustment to your water bill. Adjustments will be calculated on the difference between the wholesale and retail water rate of the excess (above average) water consumption for the billing period in which the leak occurred. ***No Toilet Leaks or irrigation system leaks will be considered. See Leak Adjustment FAQ for more details about leak adjustments.

Non-Use Rate
Is your property going to be temporarily vacant for at least four months at a time? If so, you may qualify for the District's Non-Use Rate. Call the District Office to inquire about the non-use rate.

Senior Citizens Low-Income and Permanent Disability Discount Rates
The current low-income rate is $26.25 (as of January 1, 2021) bi-monthly. To be eligible, customers must submit an application and documentation showing that they meet the following guidelines:

  • Total household income is less than $40,000 for a single or $50,000 for a family of two or more and
  • Applicant or spouse is 55 or older OR permanently disabled and
  • Proof of Income (Tax returns) OR proof of permanent disability (Disability Award Letter from Social Security)

Applications can be found under the APPLICATIONS Tab.

Bi-Monthly Water Rates
The rates, fees, charges and penalties for water connections, service and related service items, are established primarily on a cost of service basis. The cost of service rates allocates costs to single-family, commercial and multi-family customer classes based on the demand they place on the water and sewer systems.

This page does not reflect a complete listing of the District's established rates, charges, policies and procedures for water and sewer services and connections. Certain properties, depending on location, may be subject to additional costs and connection requirements.

Please Note: Doxo is not an authorized 3rd-party payer.