Upload copy of receipt(s), and pictures of repairs (when possible).
File type(s) allowed: .PDF, .JPG, .PNG
Maximum file size allowed: 12mb
Dear KCWD 90,
I am requesting a leak adjustment for the billing period ending:
I confirm that I have repaired or replaced my service line and I have attached copies of all related receipts for this repair. You have my permission to inspect the line to verify that repairs are complete and that my line is no longer leaking.
Thank you.
Please type your First and Last Name
I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above request and the Leak Adjustment Policy below.
Depending on the number and size of any file attachments, this form may take a couple of minutes to process. Please do not resubmit or refresh the page while waiting. You will be taken to a confirmation page when completed.